<mar-quee> — Bringing back the most annoying amazing HTML element!

Live examples:

Hello marquee one world marquee twoooooooooo long boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


The code I used to on the page above is shown below:

        <mar-quee>marquee one</mar-quee>
        <mar-quee>marquee one</mar-quee>
        <mar-quee>marquee twoooooooooo</mar-quee>
        <mar-quee>long boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii</mar-quee>
        <!-- just before </body> -->
        <script src="mar-quee.js"></script>
& you can edit the CSS properties of the <mar-quee> elements using these CSS custom properties:

    :root {
        --marquee-width: 350px;
        --marquee-height: 3rem;
You can also set each of these properties, each shown with their default values below:

    --marquee-animation-timing-function: linear;
    --marquee-animation-duration: 3s;
    --marquee-animation-iteration-count: infinite;